
Our React Development Capabilities

As a prominent product development firm, Eagle Drift provides React Native development services to expedite the global expansion of your business and services. The skilled team at Eagle Drift, well-versed in cross-platform app development frameworks like React Native, is both highly experienced and dedicated. Recognizing the importance of delivering quality service and ensuring on-time project completion, this core team remains accountable.

Why React Native Development?

The unique appeal of the React Native framework lies in the ability for developers to write a single set of JavaScript code that functions seamlessly on both Android and iOS platforms simultaneously. Often, industries face a dilemma regarding whether to prioritize iOS apps, which may have fewer users but generate more profit compared to Android users or to expand user reach through Android applications. The introduction of React Native, a UI-focused framework that compiles natively written code, provides a solution to this predicament. Additionally, React Native simplifies the creation of interactive user interfaces, ensuring swift app loading without any delays.

Advantages Of Using React Native


Cross-Platform Capability

React Native supports multiple platforms, allowing React components to function seamlessly across various operating systems.


Declarative Style

While this approach provides less flexibility in calculating the result, it offers increased reliability. React ensures the efficient updating of the appropriate components with changes in your data.


Class Performance

Because React Native apps are constructed with natively written code, they can operate seamlessly on both operating systems without any lag.



Contrary to the common inefficiency and lower productivity associated with native app development, React Native introduces enhanced agility and speed to web app development.


UI Focused

Focused on the User Interface (UI), React Native offers a quicker loading time compared to typical hybrid apps, resulting in a smoother user experience.



React Native is highly readable even to those who are not familiar with it.

React Native Development Services In India

Web app Development

Web App Development

Our proficient team comprises expert professionals with exceptional skills in developing web applications using React Native. The irreplaceable skills of our team members instill confidence in the quality of our services. Leveraging our technical expertise, we utilize this JavaScript library to craft engaging User Interfaces. Given that React Native is among the most widely used technology.

Mobile app development

Mobile App Development

In today's landscape, mobile apps deliver invaluable services. At Eagle Drift, we specialize in creating engaging and informative mobile apps for your business. With React Native's robust community support, apps developed using this framework are poised to attract more traffic than ever. The cross-platform nature of React Native enables you to meet the needs of your customers on both platforms simultaneously.

PWA Development

PWA Development

Constructing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) using React Native empowers development teams to create and launch web applications for a variety of devices, utilizing their proficiency in existing technologies. Moreover, it's possible to convert existing React Native Apps into PWAs. PWAs offer an excellent user experience, enhanced user engagement, and more, without requiring an additional installation process. Rely on our React Native expertise to build web apps tailored to your business requirements.

API Integration

API Integration

Drawing on our established proficiency, we specialize in constructing cross-compatible API solutions using React Native, catering to clients across various domains. We excel in creating secure API connections that enable seamless communication between your applications. Effective communication is crucial for these systems, and you can trust our experienced developers to design cross-compatible API integrations for your applications. Our team can assist you in establishing secure connections.

Migration and updation

Migration And Updation

We are well-equipped to support you in any migration activities across your tech platforms. Our web developers possess extensive expertise in maintaining legacy code platforms and conducting parallel migrations. We guarantee that the migration of your applications from legacy platforms to React Native will be completed within the specified timeline. Our developers have demonstrated proficiency in managing large-scale web app migrations and updates, ensuring a smooth and hiccup-free process.

E commerce app development

E-Commerce App Development

E-commerce swiftly delivers the products customers desire, eliminating long wait times. With our feature-rich apps, you can now become your customers' favorite brand. The well-organized sections and user-friendly features of our app are designed to enhance your business's profits seamlessly. Whenever you require a fast, user-friendly e-commerce app compatible with both Android and iOS, do not hesitate to seek the assistance and technical support of our React Native developers.

QA Testing services

QA And Testing Services

Our qualified test engineers are adept at creating both automated and manual testing solutions for your business apps. Ensuring thorough testing of your React Native apps before they are released to users is our commitment. Our test engineers diligently identify and address all bugs to guarantee a flawless user experience. Equipped with knowledge of the latest tools and technologies, we are always prepared with optimal testing solutions.

Support and maintenance

Support And Maintenance

We are prepared to offer top-notch maintenance services for your apps, ensuring ongoing and reliable support for both web and mobile applications. At Vofox, we prioritize regular communication with our clients to ensure the applications developed using React Native remain flawless and error-free. Additionally, we proactively address the needs and functionality of our apps through timely troubleshooting, upgrades, feature enhancements, and bug fixes.

Why Eagle Drift?